The term second level ultrasound implies an evaluation on a particular sign for in peril pregnancy, performed by a significantly gifted chairman with creative stuff, highlighted analyzing the examination of fetal inconsistencies and surveying fetal end-endemic turn of events, to the maternal-fetal hemodynamic control utilizing Doppler Velocimetry and to the checking of obstetric pathology. The survey is finished with a top-quality ultrasound gear, incorporating experienced experts close by, whose plan grants them to know the average improvement of the child in the different periods of pregnancy as well as the recognizable proof of anomalies in its turn of events. Consequently, they ought to play out an indicative blend, checking, perception, and treatment in these cases, which is assistance for the treating specialist. For patients who request it, the appraisal can be done by an ultrasound result to assess for chromosomal irregularities and a transvaginal ultrasound of the cervix for expecting startling work.

  • level 2 scan in West Delhi
  • level 2 scan in Janakpuri
  • level 2 scan in Vikaspuri

For more details please contact us at 8920726880.