An ultrasound scan involves transmitting high-frequency sound waves through the uterus. These bounce off the baby and the returning echoes (sound waves) are translated by a computer into an image on a screen that reveals the baby’s position and movements. Ultrasound has been used in pregnancy for about 30 years, it has progressively become an indispensable obstetric tool and plays an important role in the care of every pregnant woman. The PRANAAM DIAGNOSTICS Provides ultrasound screening for pregnant women and fetuses at risk for pregnancy-related complications by offering diagnostic ultrasound scans to detect fetal and placental abnormalities throughout pregnancy. Your first-trimester ultrasound, commonly performed to evaluate the risk of genetic abnormalities, has allowed for the early detection of some major abnormalities before the second trimester. A scan may be ordered when an abnormality is suspected on clinical grounds. Otherwise, a scan is generally booked in the first trimester to confirm pregnancy, exclude ectopic or molar pregnancies, confirm cardiac pulsation and measure the crown to rump length for dating.
For more details please contact us at 8920726880.
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